Thursday, March 24, 2011

thursday march 24,2011 bootcamp update.

as of last night for now i will not be doing bootcamp for litle while. i know i am not going on to the next phase for sure. i was talking to joe and travis last night they think for right now it would be best if i not come back to bootcamp until all my different injuries are healed. and i can prove that i want to succeed in their system. since i havent lost much weight and havent changed my nutrition consistanly. i keep on doing the yo yo up and down affect. which realisticly doesnt work. and i dont know why i keep doing it. i have a lot of useful tools at my fingertips i just need to use them. i was really dissapointed that it happened now since i am coming off a 6 pound loss. but then i also have to think to myself in general they have tried very hard for a long time to coach me. so it is on my shoulders.and with me comming off the last phase with a loss i know i still have the power and the drive to continue to want to lose. so in all actuallity deep down i know it was good timing. i see in my future i will be back doing their bootcamp system.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

wednesday march 23,2011 update

next week i see my primary care dr. to follow up with my current toe issue and see what is actually going on. i was originally told that it looked broke on the xray but then when a radiologist looked at it it wasnt. one thing i do know is there is still alot of pain. but if i keep up with the pain meds which and continuei know soon i will problly start having stomach problems and to wear a specific shoe im good to go. one of the hardest thing for me to do is rest it. I did end up bowling last night which i know isnt the best thing to do but i am on a league and i couldnt find someone to bowl for me. dispight my toe issue i had a good night bowling. I bowl an average of 128.

this past week i did end up losing 1 pound. i now weigh 257.

Monday, March 21, 2011

march 21,2011 injury update

well I have an injury update. Last week I noticed my big toe hurt a little bit while putting my shoes on. Then Wednesday afternoon it started to hurt more when I walked. Then Thursday while I was at boot camp I thought I had some type of big toe cramp. The pain had drastically increased. I did the best i could during the workout. Then throughout the day the pain never went away. so I decided I better have it looked at. so I went to an urgent care center Thursday night and they took xrays. I found out that I had broke my big toe.

Since August 2008 I have had my share of injuries. I have broke my pinkie finger, knee issues,heel spur and plantar fascists, and now a broken big toe.

I was asked recently with all these different injuries I have had is it worth it? My answer is HECK YES. You may be asking WHY? Do I want to continue to live my life unhappy with no energy and extremely overweight? Or do I want to live my life Happy and full of energy and weigh less?

I have chosen to improve my life and focus on me by trying to lose weight. No matter what hurdles come up in life. I have so much more energy, drive, and will power than I used to.

The way I see it injuries are going to happen throughout life. The best thing I have learned is that when you get injured you need to rest and recover. Then when you start back up exercising go slow to see what your body can handle. so you don't reinjur yourself.

When you are injured you need to focus real hard on your nutrition. Especially since you aren't buring as many calories throughout the day that your body is used to burinng. If you snack on the crap you will feel like more crap than you already do. It's not worth it.

The next phase of boot camp is starting next week. However, I will not be going this phase Joe and travis think it would be best for me to sit out on this next phase and continue to heal my toe. As much as I know I will miss going they are right. I need to beable to go at 100%. And I know right now im not. so I am hoping to be good to go the next phase.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

weightloss update march 16,2011

my boot camp guys recently said it would be a good idea to whomever wanted to to set up there own blog. that way we can track our progress. ups and downs. i am glad i started my blog when i did back november 2008. that way i can look back and see my progress.

last march i was forced to find a new part time job because Hollywood video was closing. I had put plenty of applications out. I then got a call back from scheels all sports. I was then hired to promote their visa credit card. I thought that would be the perfect position for me. considering my past credit problems. A year later i am still succeeding at getting my visa sales. some months are harder than others yes but that is all in the game. each month inset a goal of how many i want to reach then i break it down to a more manageable weekly number of visas to process. Last year that i can remember there was only 1 month (February 20110) that i didn't have the top sales. This year i want to average about 46 applications a month.

with the extra money i earn at scheels i spend it wisely on either boot camp or personal training.

Sunday was my 6Th month mark without having pop for the most part.just recently i did have one at a hockey game. i will say that i didn't enjoy it as much as i used to. even though it was a diet pop it still tasted to syrupy.

i am about to finish my phase of boot camp. his phase i was able to lose a total of 5pounds. i started this phase weighing 263 pounds and now i am down to weighing 258 pounds. i am back on the losing track thank goodness. since i figured last phase i had gained a lot. i think maybe 13 pounds. i gained because i lost focus, my mind got off track, i didn't care but i did. i only went to the first week of camp then i quit because if you remember i had the bronchitis. and that it where i lost it. i am upset that i let this happen. but i have moved on my boot camp guys Joe and Travis and Mike my trainer are here to help me get things under control i just need to speak up. i have started emailing my nutrition to Joe again. you know that really makes you think about what you are going to eat for the most part before you eat it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

weightloss update march 7,2011

well i have started another phase of my bootcamp monday february 28th, 2011.It was nice going back to the bootcamp after being gone from it for about 3 weeks. that first day back was very diffficult to get through. but i survived at the end.

i have realized that the forged fit camp in omaha, nebraska is a great boot camp to be involved in. Joe and travis are very helpful whether it be with nutrition, workouts, support. i love the variety of the workouts. some of the exercises are the battleing ropes, joging in the pit, trying to jump over the balance beams,resistant band exercises, kettle bell exercises, different animal exercises,trying to improve my burpees,almost forgot the turkish get ups. what i miss since i am at a gymnastics place instead of their gym forged the prowler and running with tires. with the variety of interrvals the workouts we do you never know from day to day what they are going to surprise us with. for examples 20/10, 30/30,45/10, 50/10 , or the ladder 15, 30, 45, 60,minute break 60, 45, 30, 15

the first week i was down 2 pounds. it was nice to see that.

with my workouts i have also been more consistant with drinking my body by vi shakes. i have been adding the powder mix to almond milk and blending it up alot of berries. this week it has been strawberries, and blackberries. when i first started making the shakes i would just have it plain. i have learned with time how much better they are with fruit blended in them. and my first thought was i dont have time to make the shake but in reallity it takes no time at all.

it has now been a month that i havn't had any pop. at first i didnt think i would be able to stop drinking the pop. i dont really miss it like i thought i would.