Thursday, June 25, 2009

Saturday June 20,2009 weightloss update

This week I had some different things going on.

With me gaining weight last week, I started the new week off pretty dissappointed in myself. I will say this I have come this far and I will continue my journey

Sunday June 14, 2009. I celebrated my 33rd birthday. It was a good day. I sit back and think how far I have come even from this time last year to today. It is so amazing that I was able to turn my life around so quickly.

I did have my measurements taken on Thursday June 18, 2009. With me doing my measurements this month there wasn't much of a change. considering all the ups and downs that I have had this past month. I did end up gaining 3 pounds overall for the month

When I was scheduling with Mike to do my measurements i kept of procrastinating on having them taken. By the time I finally did the measurements i was starting to run out of time. After we did the measurements. I was disappointed in the outcome. I was hoping they would have been more of change. But for the most part everything stayed the same except for the weight. I was walking back to the locker room to get my I Pod when Mike was trying to talk to me but I just kept walking away. I really didn't want to talk to him or anymore else. however, that didn't work out that well. he got my attention and we talked about things. Next thing I new he was offering to meet me at the gym on Friday to workout together. I thought that was really nice. I am hoping that maybe in the future we can do that again. It made the workout time spent go by faster having someone to workout with.

something that I need to work on is my eating and drinking routine on Faraday's. Considering I am always worried on Friday's. I never want to eat or drink much after about 3 pm. that way I know it should be out of my system by the time I weigh in on Saturday mornings. That is the next thing I am going to talk to Mike about.

well this week once again I did end up gaining again for the week. However, this time it was only .8 pounds. I can handle that. I am just wondering what the outcome will be in 2 weeks.

I know for sure that I will not be able to make my weight watcher meeting on Saturday. I will be actually out of town. I will be enjoying myself in Hawaii.

I have learned another great thing about losing all the weight that I have. That would be with flying. In the past I wouldn't be able to buckle my seat belt. depending on who I was traveling with I would eight act like I have my seat belt on or I would just at the flight attendant for a seat belt extender. With this time I didn't have to worry about doing that at all. I was actually able to use the regular one and be able to tighten it up.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

saturday June 13,2009 Weightloss update.

I ended up gaining this week. 3.8 pounds. I did have some things going on. I also had a good loss last week.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday June 6,2009 weightloss Update

Well this week i started out thinking what am i going to do differently this week to get me back on the right track.

i thought about it for awhile and for some reason I really haven't been to motivated to be going to the gym. I have been going don't get me wrong but I really haven't been putting that much effort into it like I have in the past. Whether you have a personal trainer helping you stay motivated or not should not mean that you start slacking off. You need to keep going on your own.

When I started this week I made a commitment to myself that I would change things around at the gym, diet. I would start focusing harder, staying committed again for the entire This week I actually managed to get to the gym everyday at least once. Then on Wednesday and Friday I was actually at the gym twice a day. I was determined to have a good weight loss this week.

Well this week I ended up losing 6.2 pounds. which is exactly what I needed to lose to reach my 100 pound mark at weight watchers. I have now lost a total of 112 pounds since May 2008. I now weigh 243.2 pounds. With me losing that 100 pounds I was presented with a certificate congratulating me from weight watchers. I also got a new 100 pound magnet and another weight to add to my key chain.

:):):):):):):):):):):):):): wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooo

Weightloss udate for saturday May 30,2009

well this past 2 weeks i can honestly say that i didn't focus as hard as i have in the past. and well the scale showed it today. i ended up gaining 4.8 pounds for the past 2 weeks.